Top 22 Habits That Compound If Done Daily

The #1 reason people fail is that they do not compound their habits. These 22 Small Habits can change your life!! Success is mostly achieved through daily consistent effort.

  1. Push ups
  2. Squats
  3. End Shower With Cold Water (1-3 minutes)
  4. Read for 30 minutes
  5. Meditate for 15 minutes
  6. Reach out to 3 people (send them something of value- a funny meme to a link to an interesting article)
  7. Call your parents
  8. Listen to your spouse without giving feedback or judgement. Just listen.
  9. Write for 30 minutes
  10. Clean/ organize your environment (digital or physical)
  11. Sleep 7-8 hours
  12. Take a 20 minute nap
  13. Wash your face with cold water before bed
  14. Take Vitamin D3
  15. Take B vitamins
  16. 25 Squats right before bed
  17. 30 grams of protein upon waking
  18. Glass of water with a pinch of sea salt after waking
  19. Cuddle with your pet for 30 minutes
  20. Box breath 3X a day
  21. Walk for 30 minutes
  22. Plan for tomorrow before bed each night

These habits can be started today and if your follow them for a year you will see some serious changes to your status quo.